April 11, 2022 Minutes

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Monday April 11, 2022.

Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Schmitt, Backes, Wermers, Kelsay, and Taylor. Absent, none.

Motion by Backes, second by Taylor to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
  2. Claims
  3. City Finance Reports

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Backes to approve a building permit application for Jerry & Faith Lacey for a yard fence. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Wermers to approve the liquor license application for the Inwood Ballroom.  Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Received the library report. Motion by Kelsay, second by Taylor to repair cement work by library and rebuild the handicap ramp. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Received the Bily Clocks report. They are cleaning and getting ready for opening on May 1. Matt Frana from Turkey River Soil Conservation was present to discuss nitrate levels in Well#2 and funding for programs for area landowners that can help protect source water. Motion by Backes, second by Kelsay to approve a contract with Central Coating to clean ans Inspect the water tower at a cost of $1800.00. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Council received the final report for the water tower replacement project. Funding may become available in the Fall. We are still waiting for the sewer televising for the Main Steet project. Employee Handbook – The final draft will be ready for council approval next meeting. Motion by Wermers, second by Schmitt to adopt Resolution 22411-1 granting a permit for fireworks for SWACG for 7-2-22 with rain dates of 7-3-22 and7-4-22. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Taylor, second by Backes to adopt Resolution 2022-4-11 approving the designation of SLFRF funds for the City of Spillville. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Jane Regan was present to discuss the city insurance and areas that may need additional coverage. Motion by Kelsay, second by Schmitt to spend an additional $400 to increase coverage on three critical pieces of infrastructure. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Stanley Maroushek of the Woodcarving Museum of the Heartland was present to request the council and community members visit his museum and see what it has to offer to the community. Janelle Pavlovec also discussed promotion of all Spillville has to offer and building on what is already promoted. Discussed various grant opportunities for the city of Spillville.

Meeting Adjourned 7:46

Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk

Fund Income Distribution Fund Income Distribution
General 5139.63 $11,849.57 Debt Service $453.78 $0
Clocks $61.89 $1963.22 Capitol $0 $0
Library Trust $2.27 $0 Water $4260.97 $1749.42
Road Use $1389.36 $1529.31 Water Deposit $100.00 $0
Emergency $54.26 $0 Sewer $3880.32 $1018.39
LOST $4189.66 $21.92


March Claims

Type Date Num Name Memo Amount
Check 03/01/2022 21389 DECORAH RENTAL Holiday Lights -230.00
Check 03/01/2022 21390 HAWKINS, INC Water-Supplies -286.58
Check 03/01/2022 AP-BC-3-22 FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -275.00
Check 03/01/2022 AP-LBR-3-22 FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -145.00
Check 03/01/2022 21391 OLSGARDS AUTO SALES Equipment Expense -21.92
Check 03/01/2022 AP-USC-3-22 US CELLULAR Alarm Autodialer/Cell Phone -122.18
Check 03/01/2022 21392 IAMU Dues -500.00
Check 03/01/2022 21393 AUDITOR OF STATE State Exam Fee -1,200.00
Check 03/01/2022 AP-LIB-3-22 CENTURYLINK City Telephones -123.68
Check 03/01/2022 AP-CSP-3-22 CENTURYLINK City Telephones -60.73
Check 03/01/2022 AP-CS-3-22 FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -60.00
Check 03/01/2022 21394 BADGER METER Water Meter Service -49.44
Check 03/01/2022 AP-3-22 ALLIANT Electricity -2,449.29
Check 03/01/2022 FT*3103951 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL City maintenance & Repair -206.32
Check 03/01/2022 21395 CENTURYLINK City Telephones -100.64
Check 03/01/2022 21396 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Library Books -9.00
Check 03/01/2022 21397 Thompson Public Library Library Book -12.00
Check 03/01/2022 21398 WILSON MEMORIAL LIBRARY Library Books -25.00
Check 03/01/2022 21399 DELHI PUBLIC LIBRARY Library Books -15.00
Check 03/01/2022 21400 MOTHER EARTH NEWS Library Serials -17.00
Check 03/01/2022 21401 SHIMEK SANITATION Sanitation Contract -2,461.08
Check 03/02/2022 AP3-22MC MEDIACOM Clocks Internet Access -80.16
Check 03/02/2022 21402 RANDY’S AUTO PARTS Equipment Parts -81.61
Check 03/07/2022 AP3-14WIP Worldpay Integrated Payments Clocks Credit Card Fees -183.87
Check 03/14/2022 21403 BARR, STORME Utility Deposit Refund -49.03
Check 03/21/2022 BP3-21CSB CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK ACH Utility Fees -17.80
Check 03/31/2022 21404 Payroll Payroll -8129.15