April 2, 2024 Minutes 2

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.  Mayor Wermers called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Backes, Kelsay, Taylor, Schmitt, and Straube.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Backes, seconded by Straube to approve items as follows:  Approval of Claims

Roll call vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried.

Building Permit Application:  Brennon Knudsen submitted a building permit for a Privacy Fence.  Resident states property has been surveyed.  Motion to approve Permit Number 24-04-1 by Straube, seconded by Taylor.  Roll call votes:  Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Street Project:  No updates.

Water Project: Mark Klimesh from Central Motors was here to inquire about access to businesses during the project time.  Councilman Taylor stated that Emergency Access is required to be maintained at all times during the project.  Mayor Wermers has reached out to Origin Designs to obtain a better idea of how access will be maintained.  Mayor Wermers will update as needed when more information is obtained.

Annexation: No update

Water Rates / Debt Service Rate:  Tabled until July / August meetings.

Budget 2025: Motion to set a Public Hearing to Approve the Budget for Tuesday, April 23, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. was made by Kelsay, seconded by Straube. Roll call vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried.

American Rescue Plan Funds: Motion was made to use the remainder of the funds for tree removal expenses by Straube, seconded by Backes. Roll call vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried

Travel & Leisure Guide: The same add for Spillville that has been previously submitted will be submitted this year again.

Develop Mitigation Measures to offset the removal of the historic water tower:  Discussion happened about documentation, recognition, and possible requirements of the State Historical Society.  No decisions were made at this time.

Bily Clocks Report: A report summary was submitted.

City Maintenance Report: A report summary was submitted.

Other Items: A concern about loose goats were discussed, a statement was made of filing a nuisance if the issue persists. A concern about an elected official presumably using their position for their individual opinions to be heard was discussed.

Adjournment: Motion by Kelsay, seconded by Schmitt to adjourn at 7:05 pm.  Roll call vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried.  Attest:  Nikki Wagner, City Clerk


Fund Income Distribution Fund Income Distribution
General $12,495.58 $42,789.81 Debt Service $1,279.62 $0
Clocks $51.79 $6,552.78 Capitol $0 $0
Library Trust $416.19 $8,313.20 Water $8,125.77 $27,934.25
Campground $203.30 $321.60 Water Deposit $180.00 $0
Road Use $1,884.87 $14,787.79 Sewer $3,909.18 $9,077.94
LOST $3,995.83 $0      



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