April 4, 2023

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.  Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Schmitt, Backes, Kelsay, Taylor, and Wermers. Absent, none.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Kelsay to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
  2. Claims with the addition of library claims
  3. Finance Reports

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Received the Library Report. They got a grant to help for new computers and one paint for the meeting room and hallway. There is a leak in the basement on the South side that needs attention.


Mayor Straube opened the public hearing at 7:05. No oral or written comments were received.

Motion by Wermers, second by Kelsay to close the public hearing at 7:06. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Motion by Backes, second by Taylor to adopt Resolution 23-4-1 approving the 2024 budget and certification of city taxes. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Marc Ruroden from Origin Design was present to discuss the water project. Engineering is over 50% completed and will be put on hold until we find out what funding will be available.


Received the Clocks Report. Discussed spring cleaning and possible grant opportunities for a new HVAC system.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Wermers to have Darcy Zahasky do the deep cleaning and wax floors for $750. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Matt Frana was present to see if the City supported his proposal to apply for a Well Capture Zone Study grant. This would help determine the health of the well and outside sources that effect the water quality in our community.

Motion by Taylor, second by Kelsay to give city support and authorize the mayor to sign necessary forms for Matt Frana to proceed in applying for the grant. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


The city should be getting information soon on the city share of costs for the street project.


Mark Kuhn was present to discuss the Civic Improvement Association Liquor License and 2023 events. He has been checking on internet service for shared Wi-Fi for the Inwood and campground. At this time he hasn’t found anything that had enough speed that wasn’t cost prohibitive. The city has budgeted to pay for the bands for the summer music series and the 4th of July celebration and collect the free will donation to help cover the expenses. Mark said they have decided to pay their bartenders a higher wage and tips can be used to help pay expenses, he also said that if there are not enough donations to cover the cost the Civic Improvement Association will split the cost with the city. The Inwood holds a Halloween Fundraiser every year, in 2023 the funds will go to the Humane Society but if the Bily Clocks were interested they could be the recipients in 2024 to help pay for the HVAC system. The Inwood will again be hosting a special needs prom this year, it will be held on May 6.

Motion by Taylor, second by Schmitt to approve the liquor license for the Inwood ballroom. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


The city is checking into options for fiber optic internet in Spillville.

The city received a noise complaint from several citizens. A letter will be sent.

Steve is working with pitch tent to get our online registration operational. This should be completed by midmonth.

Policy and procedures manual -Tabled.


The flower program is popular in Spillville but comes at a cost. By the time we buy flowers and other supplies and pay for labor and equipment expenses and maintenance they cost approximately $200 per basket per season. The city will be placing a cage to donate cans to help fund the flower program and other city projects. We are also encouraging people who enjoy the flowers and want to show community support of the program to adopt a basket. Donations can be left in the city drop box or mailed to the city at PO Box 276.

Sprout Level – $25

Leafing Out Level – $50

Bud Level – $100

In Full Bloom – $200


Discussed contacting the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids asking them to consider adopting Spillville as a,” little sister”. This could help promote tourism in Spillville as well as increase grant opportunities.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Wermers authorizing the mayor to sign the letter and other forms as necessary to pursue becoming a “little sister” city. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Fund Income Distribution Fund Income Distribution
General 19871.72 $30080.25 Debt Service $839.84 $0
Clocks $283.77 $5894.10 Capitol $0 $0
Library Trust $3.52 $0 Water $29147.71 $39030.09
Road Use $2372.87 $17091.63 Water Deposit $0 $100.00
Emergency $0 $0 Sewer $4048.03 $10576.05
LOST $4813.49 $720.76      

The meeting adjourned at 8:05.                                                    Attest:  Joane Kulish, City Clerk




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