August 1, 2023 Minutes

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.  Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Backes, Kelsay, Schmitt and Wermers. Absent, Taylor.


Motion by Schmitt, second by Backes to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
  2. Claims
  3. Finance Reports

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Motion by Backes, second by Kelsay to approve a building permit for a 20X14 building application for Quinton Bohlen at 107 School Street. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Marc Ruroden from Origin design was present to discuss the water tower project. The complete project is a 1.96-million-dollar project. Spillville has received a $500,000 CDBG grant. Without other funding the project will still take significant water rate increases to cover the debt service. SRF loan options are 20 years at 2% or 30 years at 3%.  Reducing the scope of the project would likely reduce the CDBG funding received and delay the start time for the project.


Motion by Backes, second by Kelsay to go forward with the entire project which will ensure the city receives the entire $500,000 CDBG grant. Roll call vote: Ayes; Backes, Kelsay and Wermers. Nays; Schmitt. Absent; Taylor. Motion Carried.

The project will move forward and get all necessary permits anticipating letting bids in January or February.

Received a street project update.

Received the Clocks report.


 Discussed changing parking on all side streets to one side only, limiting parking of vehicles on streets to 10,000 lbs. and limiting parking of trailers, campers etc. on streets to 24 hours.


We will be posting the city clerk position within the next couple of weeks.

We are in the process of getting signatures for the property annexation east of town.


Matt Frana, Turkey River Project Coordinator was present to update the council on a DNR Underserved Farmer to Farmer Grant, “Spillville Source Water Protection Initiative that he applied for and received on behalf of Northeast Iowa RC&D, Winneshiek SWCD and the City of Spillville. They were awarded $231,000 which will be used on integrity investigation methods for well #2, doing a bedrock/aquifer investigation, identify and cap abandoned wells, identify and develop urban conservation practices, prairie planting, rain gardens etc., septic upgrades in the watershed area, saturated buffers and wetland/grade stabilization structures.


Motion by Wermers, second by Schmitt to discontinue the swim bus due to lack of participation. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.


Motion by Backes, second by Schmitt to adjourn. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Fund Income Distribution Fund Income Distribution
General $7033.56 $29791.52 Debt Service $63.10 $0
Clocks $7552.50 $4835.10 Capitol $0 $0
Library Trust $12953.71 $2414.03 Water $10740.65 $5433.21
Road Use $3006.00 $1882.13 Water Deposit $0 $0
LOST 5879.65 0 Sewer $5239.40 $6134.71

The meeting adjourned at 7:19.                                                    Attest:  Joane Kulish, City Clerk

July Claims