January 3, 2023 Minutes

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday May 3, 2022.  Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Schmitt, Backes, Wermers, Kelsay, and Taylor. Absent, none.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Backes to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
  2. Claims- added library claims, Balik Construction
  3. City Finance Reports

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Wermers to move forward with setting up online reservation software for the campground. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Backes, second by Taylor to run a recreational swim bus this year pending on finding a qualified driver. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Taylor to trade in the skid loader at an additional cost of $29,250 to be divided between the various funds where the equipment will be used. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Water Project -Tabled

Street Project – Televising should be completed in June

Motion by Backes, second by Wermers to adopt Resolution 2022-5-3 approving the personnel policy handbook.  Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Discussed 2023 Salaries.

Meeting Adjourned 6:58                                                                          Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk


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