The Spillville City Council held a special meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Thursday July 18, 2023. Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Backes, Kelsay, Taylor and Schmitt. Absent, Wermers.
Motion by Kelsay, second by Taylor to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.
- Approval of minutes of previous meetings
- Claims
Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.
Mayor Straube opened the public hearing at 6:01. Six community members were present for the discussion.
Marc Ruroden from Origin design and Mike Klimesh were present to discuss the water tower project. The complete project is a 1.96-million-dollar project. The project includes new 8-inch water mains on Main Street and a new water storage facility with boosters and pumps which would give better and more consistent water pressure and a larger storage capacity which increases firefighting capacity. Spillville has received a $500,000 CDBG grant. SRF loan options are 20 years at 2% or 30 years at 3% for the remainder of the funding. Reducing the scope of the project would likely reduce the CDBG funding received. Possible scenarios are as follows;
- Complete the entire project which results in a monthly increase in water rates of $47.31 for the 20-year loan and $39.78 for the 30-year loan.
- Complete only the water main with reduced CDBG funding of $440,000 which results in increases of $22.65 for the 20-year loan and $19.21 for the 30-year loan.
- Complete only the water mains with CDBG paying 30% of the project which results in increases of $27.66 for the 20-year loan and $23.99 for the 30-year loan.
There are no guarantees that we would receive any of the CDBG funding if the entire project is not completed.
The consensus of the community members present was that the entire project should be completed rather than risking losing the funding and have to pay the entire amount at a later date. A decision will be made at the August meeting.
Motion by Backes, second by Kelsay to close the public hearing at 6:54. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55. Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk