July 19, 2022 Minutes

The Spillville City Council held a special meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday July 19, 2022. Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Schmitt, Backes, Taylor and Kelsay. Absent, Wermers.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Taylor to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings
  2. Claims

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Representatives of Origin Design were present to discuss the water project

Motion by Kelsay, second by Taylor to approve Resolution 22-7-19-4 to accept the Proposal of Services from Origin Design for Engineering Services for the water tower and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign all necessary documents. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Schmitt, second by Taylor to approve Resolution 22-7-19-3 to accept the Proposal of Services from Simmering Cory for grant writing services for the water tower and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign all necessary documents. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Discussed the Special Event Policy. Motion by Schmitt, second by Backes to approve Resolution 22-7-19-1 adopting the Special Event Policy. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Backes, second by Kelsay to approve Resolution 22-7-19-2 raising water and sewer rates by 3% as is stated in the City Code Book. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Discussed utility late fees and charges for notices for unpaid bills. These will be raised when the code book is updated to 10% for the late fee and a $25 charge for delivery of shut off notices.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Schmitt to adjourn.

Meeting Adjourned 6:58 Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk