May 3, 2022 Minutes

The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Tuesday May 3, 2022.

Mayor Straube called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Schmitt, Backes, Wermers, Kelsay, and Taylor. Absent, none. Motion by Schmitt, second by Backes to approve items on the consent agenda as follows.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
  2. Claims- added library claims, Balik Construction
  3. City Finance Reports

Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Wermers to move forward with setting up online reservation software for the campground. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Backes, second by Taylor to run a recreational swim bus this year pending on finding a qualified driver. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Motion by Kelsay, second by Taylor to trade in the skid loader at an additional cost of $29,250 to be divided between the various funds where the equipment will be used. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.

Water Project -Tabled Street Project – Televising should be completed in June Motion by Backes, second by Wermers to adopt Resolution 2022-5-3 approving the personnel policy handbook.  Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried. Discussed 2023 Salaries.

Meeting Adjourned 6:58

Attest: Joane Kulish, City Clerk

Fund Income Distribution Fund Income Distribution
General 5139.63 $11,849.57 Debt Service $453.78 $0
Clocks $61.89 $1963.22 Capitol $0 $0
Library Trust $2.27 $0 Water $4260.97 $1749.42
Road Use $1389.36 $1529.31 Water Deposit $100.00 $0
Emergency $54.26 $0 Sewer $3880.32 $1018.39
LOST $4189.66 $21.92

April Claims

Type Date Num Name Memo Amount
Check 04/01/2022 21415 CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK city hall/shop loan # 60393 -7,117.68
Check 04/01/2022 21416 CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK Oak St/Water Loan # 61114 -5,587.30
Check 04/06/2022 PO4-6IPERS IPERS IPERS -1,200.08
Check 04/06/2022 PO4-6UST United States Treasury Payroll Taxes -1,567.82
Check 04/06/2022 PO4-6IWH IOWA DEPT OF REV & FINANCE Payroll Taxes -577.00
Check 04/06/2022 PO4-6WET IOWA DEPT OF REV & FINANCE Water Excise Tax -762.92
Check 04/06/2022 PO4-6ST IOWA DEPT OF REV & FINANCE Sales Tax -113.82
Check 04/06/2022 21417 HEUSS PRINTING Clocks Promotion -175.00
Check 04/11/2022 21418 SHIMEK SANITATION Sanitation Contract -2,442.68
Check 04/11/2022 21419 CENTURYLINK City Telephones -105.91
Check 04/11/2022 21420 RIDGEWAY LUMBER Park Benches -93.60
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11CLC CENTURYLINK City Telephones -62.73
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11USC US CELLULAR Alarm Autodialer/Cell Phone -122.18
Check 04/11/2022 21421 Origin Design Water Engineering -4,600.00
Check 04/11/2022 21422 Civic Improvement Association Outdoor Stage Lighting -1,773.77
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11FOSL FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -240.00
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11FOBC FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -275.00
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11FOCS FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -60.00
Check 04/11/2022 PO4-11FOCS FENCL OIL & LP CO. LP -1,158.40
Check 04/11/2022 21423 USA BLUEBOOK Water Supplies -231.66
Check 04/11/2022 21424 B & R BLASTING Park Repair -250.00
Check 04/11/2022 21425 JIM’S APPLIANCE Concession Appliances -1,148.00
Check 04/11/2022 21426 KEYSTONE Water/SewerTesting -87.50
Check 04/11/2022 PO4-11CO CAPITOL ONE BANK (USA) N.A. City, Supplies, -370.52
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11CLSL CENTURYLINK City Telephones -126.21
Check 04/11/2022 21427 BADGER METER Water Meter Service -116.64
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11MC MEDIACOM Clocks Internet Access -80.16
Check 04/11/2022 21428 UPPER IOWA INS SERVICES CORP. City Insurance -29,945.00
Check 04/11/2022 21429 National General Flood Insurance Flood Insurance -2,738.00
Check 04/11/2022 PO4-11LTD LTD BROADBAND Internet Service -480.00
Check 04/11/2022 21430 ACKLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY Library books -10.00
Check 04/11/2022 21431 TASTE OF HOME Library Serials -10.70
Check 04/11/2022 21432 IOWA HISTORY JOURNAL Library Serials -18.95
Check 04/11/2022 21433 HGTV MAGAZINE Library Serials -12.00
Check 04/11/2022 21434 GOOD HOUSKEEPING Library Serials -12.29
Check 04/11/2022 21435 DECORAH MOBILE GLASS Repair & Maintenance -244.00
Check 04/11/2022 21436 DRIFTLESS MULTIMEDIA Publications -354.68
Check 04/11/2022 21437 FARMERS UNION COOPERATIVE Fuel & Tank Rent -1,757.97
Check 04/11/2022 21438 Civic Improvement Association Inwood Grant -4,800.00
Check 04/11/2022 AP4-11AE ALLIANT Electricity -2,511.47
Check 04/11/2022 21439 IROC WEB DESIGN SERVICES City Website -45.00
Check 04/11/2022 PO4-11JD JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL City maintenance & Repair -65.60
Check 04/26/2022 21440 VRIEZE, KIMBERLY Utility Refund -100.00
Check 04/30/2022 PO4-30WH IOWA DEPT OF REV & FINANCE Payroll Taxes -253.00
Check 04/30/2022 CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK Service Charge -0.20
Check 04/30/2022 21441 Craft, Susanna-Virginia Payroll -803.49
Check 04/30/2022 21443 Elsbernd, Sandra A Payroll -382.40
Check 04/30/2022 21444 KUHN, RUTH Payroll -576.97
Check 04/30/2022 21445 KULISH, JOANE Payroll -1,199.10
Check 04/30/2022 21446 PHILLIPS, LARRY J Payroll -3,181.56