The Spillville City Council held the regular meeting at the Spillville City Hall at 6:00 PM. on Monday November 4, 2024. Mayor Wermers called the meeting to order with the following councilmen present Kelsay, Taylor, Straube, Schmitt and Backes, Karl Knudsen City Attorney, Marc Rudon engineer Origins, Inc.
Motion by Schmitt. second by Taylor to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Voice vote Ayes unanimous, Nayes none. Motion carried.
Motion by Kelsay, second by Straube to approve the claims. Voice vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried.
Motion by Straube, second by Taylor to approve the finance reports. Voice vote: Ayes, unanimous. Nays, none. Motion Carried.
The water project discussed by Marc Rudon engineer, Karl Knudsen City Attorney and what the next steps are with Summers’ failure to complete the project, Breach of Contract. Special council mtg. will be held 11-14-24 at 6 pm. Closed session will be held after mtg. Motion by Kelsay, second by Straube. Ayes: unanimous. Nayes, none. Motion carried.
Annexation – tabled.
Future annexation- tabled.
Resolution 24-11-1 Annual Street Financial report completed.
Roman Lensing discussed the Summer Concert Series. $3000.00 donation was agreed to be given.
Motion by Kelsay second by Straube. Ayes; unanimous Nayes none. Motion carried.
NEICAC funding was approved. Motion by Straube, second by Backes. Ayes: unanimous Nayes none.
Motion by Schmitt, second by Straube to adjourn. Roll call vote: unanimous. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned 7:37 pm..
Attest: Julie Shimek, City Clerk